Gabriela is Fighting for Us! ¡Peleando por Nosotros!


Public Safety

Invest in neighborhoods that lack street lighting, safe roads and homes

- Strengthen the partnership of local businesses, community organizations, and leaders to gather insight for future infrastructure opportunities

Support our residents in their times of need, rather than invest in punitive solutions

- Address the root causes of crime by increasing access to mental health care and substance abuse treatment

- Support initiatives that prevent youth justice involvement, such as after-school programs 

- Invest in projects that reduce recidivism, such as reentry and expungement programs for returning citizens

- Support community-based approaches to reducing gun violence, including intervention and disruption programs that engage respected and credible community members

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Workers’ rights

Stand alongside workers in their fight for fair wages, benefits, and working conditions

- Partner with local unions to recruit and grow their number of members

- Disseminate information on how to identify and safely report labor violations

- Advocate for the repeal of anti-union legislation, including Michigan’s right-to-work laws


Environmental justice

Take steps to address the climate crisis and center solutions that ensure the equitable distribution of environmental benefits

- Hold corporations that pollute our air, water, and soil accountable

- Support the rerouting of trucking networks in the city to protect residents from toxic fumes

- Invest in public health projects that address the devastating health consequences of pollution

- Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and invest in clean, renewable energy sources

- Improve the quality and number of green spaces in the city



Ensure that Detroit residents have access to safe and affordable housing

- Create and preserve dedicated affordable housing units

- Advocate for solutions that prevent future electricity and water shutoffs

- Address the root causes of home safety issues, including blight, flooding, and lead contamination

Immigrants’ Rights

Collaborate with government, nonprofits, and community groups to ensure that Detroit is a welcoming city for immigrants

- Advocate for the designation of Detroit as a ‘sanctuary city’

- Support legal defense funds that represent undocumented immigrants facing deportation

- Protect migrant workers, who are disproportionately at risk for workplace safety and health problems

- Publicize the benefits of municipal ID cards, which provide immigrants with access to important city services

- Advocate for legislation that reinstates driver’s licenses for all, including the Drive Michigan Bills